

All over the BSR and beyond, policy makers, procurers, caterers, SMEs, NGOs, consultants and researchers develop strategies for more sustainable public catering services. Here we share the best ideas, browse them by topic or by country. Get inspired and add your own!

Enter your own best practice example

You can use this form to enter your own best practice example. After submitting the form, your example will be reviewed. Please note that the review process may take some time and your example will not be visible on the page before it's completion.

General Information

Please enter a short title for your best practice example. It should be short but descriptive.

Please enter a short abstract outlining your best practice example. Max. 500 letters.


Please drag your image here or click the button below to select an image from your hard drive.

You can upload an image representing your best practice or your enterprise. Images must be .jpeg or .png file format.


Please select up to five topics from the list below.
Food Quality standard
Food waste prevention
Other waste prevention
Resource consumption
Socio-econonomic aspects
Education and Training

Description of your best practice

Please give a short insight into the original situation before you implemented your best practice. What Problems did you face? What prompted you to implement change?

Please describe the changes you made and how you went about implementing them.

Please describe what made your solution special. What was outstanding about your solution?

Please select the catering service type your institution or company is involved in.

Please enter the month and year you started/will start implementing your best practice.

About you

Are you already a Member?

Please enter the name of the institution or company you represent in english.

Please enter the name of the institution or company you represent in your original language.

Please select the type of actor that best describes your institution or company.

Please specify your organisations thematic focus in sustainable public canteens, e.g. food quality, public procurement, food waste, health or education.

Please select the country your institution or company is located.

Please enter the address of your institution or company.

Please enter the URL of your institution’s or company’s website.

Please enter general contact information (e.g. your phone number).

Please enter the e-mail address you wish to be contacted by.

Notes / further reading

Please enter any additional information that might be useful to others, like online ressources or useful literature on the topic.

Note: All fields marked by * are mandatory
