Project idea
StratKIT aims at making public procurement and catering services more sustainable in the Baltic Sea Region. Therefore, it
- identifies solutions to the challenges;
- develops and tests regional strategies;
- inspires and motivates procurers and caterers to use their opportunities.
Project funding and Partners
In the project on Innovative Strategies for Public Catering: Sustainability Toolkit across Baltic Sea Region (StratKIT) 13 project partners and 10 associated organisations from administrations, catering services, research and consulting work on these aims. Project coordinator is the University of Helsinki.
Project partners from StratKIT:
StratKIT was funded through the Interreg-BSR program of the EU with additional funding by the Russian Federation.
Total Budget: 2,046,588.25 euros
Project Duration: 1/1/2019 – 31/12/2021
Project approach
StratKIT initiates the construction of sustainability pathways across the Baltic Sea Region Public Procurement & Catering Services by:
- Mapping the current situation and collecting both the challenges and the best practices; thereby a big picture emerges about the ongoing developments.
- Showing how strategic progress can be made towards increased sustainability. These models include international knowledge and mainly base on innovative approaches by BSR professionals, be they public administrators, procurers or caterers.
- Bringing together the professionals so that they can network and become animated about sustainable developments on the sector.
- Tuning the results into the BSR Sustainability Toolkit, which will be an easy-to-follow and bottom-up guidance for sector’s professionalsto speed up local applications for sustainability.
These achievements will harmonize progress, bring BSR countries closer each other, have a positive impact on societal appreciation of public services and give a strong message in the market to boost the availability of sustainable goods and services, and among customers in BSR to ask for them.
Outputs and materials
StratKIT main outputs are a network of stakeholders at national and BSR level; a best practices living repository, and direct access to the interactive Sustainability Toolkit.
- BSR Report on Sustainable Public Procurement and Catering Services
- BSR Dynamic Sustainability Model for Public Procurement and Catering Services
- StratKIT News 2020
- StratKIT flyer
Principles and recommendations
- Sustainable Public Meal Principles
- Recommendations for policy makers on sustainable food procurement of the European Sustainable Food Procurement City Interest Group
- Handbook in Russian and English
- StratKIT Sustainability Toolkit report
- Online Sustainable Public Meal Toolkit (Link)
StratKIT online conference - 24.11.2020

Sustainability in Public Procurement and Catering Services: Challenges and solutions for rethinking organics, GPP and food waste
Conference agenda pdf
Conference videos
- Introduction video
- Session 1: Introducing Organic Food to Public Institutions video
- Session 2: Green Public Procurement and Sustainable Diet video
- Session 3. Food Waste: how to measure and reduce video
- Final conclusions: video
Final StratKIT conference - 13.10.2021

Sustainable Public Meals in the Baltic Sea Region and beyond
- StratKIT Final Conference Agenda
- StratKIT Final Conference Press Release
- StratKIT Final Conference Summary
- Conference video
Presentations (pdf):
- Green procurement in a Farm to Fork perspective
- StratKIT project wrap up
- StratKIT piloting and examples
- Online Toolkit for sustainable public meals
- Sustainable School Food Recommendations
Conference platform with poster exhibition: link (available until 11.11.2021)