
Innoituksen lähteitä

Poliittiset päättäjät, hankkijat, ruokapalvelut, pk-yritykset ja kansalaisjärjestöt, sekä konsultit ja tutkijat kehittävät strategioita kestävämmille julkisille ruokapalveluille kaikkialla Itämeren alueella. Täällä jaamme parhaat ideat, joita voit selata aiheen tai maan mukaan. Innostu ja lisää oma esimerkkisi englanniksi!

Embracing sustainability in vocation training for food professionals

IFAU Institute for Food Studies and Agroindustrial Development


Copenhagen Hospitality College in Denmark offers vocational education and professional training to chefs, kitchen staffs and waiters. More than 850 students are enrolled at the facility and, every year more than 6,000 professionals receive vocational training here. The modernized vocational education provides the students with extensive and hands-on competences within food quality and origin, sustainable production, and cooking skills central to implement sustainability aspects in practice.

Organic transformation of public kitchens under the Organic Action Plan 2020

DTU Food Institute


This is a Best Practice of a policy for having more organic food in public meals. It is an example of how the transformation in public kitchens to cook organic food can be implemented and also illustrates the importance of linking experiences from practice to policy levels.
